As you know, I help run

Icon RequestsPretty straight up and nice, wouldn't you say? And, yet, not a week goes by that I don't have to delete at LEAST two requests, usually more. What REALLY gets me is the people that post a request, I delete it, and they come back later and RE-POST it. They note that it seems to have been deleted, but don't bother trying to find out why.
We are not an icon request community. Many of our members, however, wouldn't mind doing a request or two every once in a while. We ask that you e-mail your chosen graphic artist directly instead of posting your request in the community. If the GA's e-mail is not listed on their userinfo page, you should probably assume that person does not do requests so you might want to pick someone else. If you feel the need to post your request in a community, there are LOTS of requests communities on LJ so give 'em a try.
Stupid...fucking...HUMANS! GRAHHHH!!!!!
Sometimes, I really do think my view of the world is just fucked. I see too many things that are just plain stupid, lazy, and disrespectful, and I wonder how these beings can even FUNCTION, let alone get about the day's events...and yet, that is the norm. Am I truly this crazy? Is this really how you all want to be? Blind, dumb, and aggressively divisive? Am I the foolish one for wanting things to change?
Fuck, I loathe this place sometimes...the rest of the time, I just hate it here.