...but, fuckin' hell, it's like this brain-dead idiot has no fucking clue. That's probably because she doesn't; that just leads me to wondering how this bitch got her job, and THAT leads me to bitch and moan about how some loony whore like that can get a job and I can't.
And that just colours my whole morning badly. Fuck.
Back to work, and figuring out how to try and fit a 25 character business name across 120 pixels, and still leave it readable. How sad is it that I work at home, and only sporadically for a day or two at a time, and I STILL feel like I need a vacation?
EDIT: Sometimes, I even impress myself. Clean, readable, animated even better than they expect and than I thought I could get away with...and STILL under 12kb. Fuckin' client will probably have some problem with it, you watch. I'd love to show it off, but, you know how business is, can't do it. However, if you are bopping through the AOL Yellow Pages, you'll probably see my stuff...*shudder*. Stil, their money is as good as anybody's, and I like to think I'm actually adding a little quality to the pile of steaming turdage that is AOHell...and besides, it is kinda cool to go look up something and see my work online.