I'd like to take this moment to offer a huge, huge cheer and tip of the hat to the British Ministry of Defence. This was a very progressive decision to make, and it took balls to say 'yes'. There's no logical reason to say 'no', but that hasn't stopped conservative-minded people in power from condemning change like this, in the past. In fact, the comment at the end of the article (which I really hope you read) is a perfect example of the sort of stupid shit I'm talking about:
"I am utterly shocked by this," Conservative parliamentarian Anne Widdecombe told Reuters. "Satanism is wrong. Obviously the private beliefs of individuals anywhere including the armed forces are their own affair but I hope it doesn't spread," she said.Wrong? By your standards, maybe...and by the standards of your own religion, which you can no more prove "right" than any other religion, so why not shut the bloody fuck up.
Way to go, British Ministry of Defence. Good on ya for helping to show that Britain has something going for it. A little tolerance goes a long way.