God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

How Pathetic

OK, this takes this week's award for "stupidest, laziest human":

Someone in a community i read asked about a font they couldn't find, and asked if anyone knew where to get it. she had the name of the font, just couldn't find it.

First comment listed has a link, and the comment "5 seconds on google found me this...". This person's response? "sorry i didn't have time to Google i was a little busy with my baby."

You were too busy to type two words into Google, but you had time to type a whole post into LJ? You're kidding, right? A little more poking (because, this kind of stupidity makes me curious) leads me to her LJ, to find thatshe's only 17, and, more than that, that the baby in question isn't BORN yet, so I'm not sure how busy she could be. (EDIT: turns out the baby IS born...she's just apparently too busy to update her info. But not too busy to make LJ posts or to need a certain font to play around with!)

God DAMN it, I loathe people, sometimes. This is accepted and encouraged! This rampant stupidity, this complete inability to do anything for oneself, this tendency to just ask someone else to do something instead of doing it yourself...not to mention the teen pregnancy. Makes me just want to puke.

I'm pretty sure whatever I heaved up would be smarter than this chick.

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  • (no subject)

    Hmm. Funny when someone cuts you out of their life, even if you don't know why. Can't think of anything I did. *shrug*

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  • All Over But The Shouting

    Talked to Dianna yesterday. May 12th is the final court date for the divorce stuff. As of that afternoon, it'll all be over. I tried being friendly…

  • (no subject)

    Hmm. Funny when someone cuts you out of their life, even if you don't know why. Can't think of anything I did. *shrug*

  • Jeezus, Frank, What The Hell?

    Wherein Questions are Answered, Plans are Revealed, and All Cards are Laid on the Table OK, the ball is rolling inexorably forward, so I feel like…