God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

Sci-Fi Channel - Need Help

OK, I need someone who can tape a couple things for me, off of the Sci-Fi Channel.

- Legend of Earthsea starts tomorrow, and I want to see it, anyone who tapes the series for me will live in my heart as a helluva person. I can get you a schedule of the times everything's showing, you won't have to do anything but hit "record".
- Puppet Master Vs. Demonic Toys - Laugh all you want, but I've been a Full Moon fanatic for YEARS, and I need this for my collection (yes, I have all the Puppet Master films, save one). Saturday, Dec. 18, at 9/8C...anyone?

Come on, I never ask for anything. I'm begging here...help a brothah out. I'm not even asking for a digital transfer (though that would kick MAJOR ass), just VHS is plenty fine.

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

    Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…

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