God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

My Only Thoughts On The Schiavo Circus

I'm cutting this only to give you the option to skip it. Reading on means you assume all risk of being pissed at me or whatever.

She's dead? Good. Personally, I can't imagine anyone would want to live for this long in that state, so I'm happy for her being able to finally rest. Period. I think her husband and her parents are scum for drawing this out so long and being unable to be adults about the whole thing and work it out properly. I think it's sad that they are STILL fighting about things. I think it's REALLY stupid that the government EVER got involved, and I think it's just SICK that it started getting used as a media caucus and a political lever, in the end.

Fuck everyone involved. Fuck them all for doing everything except what SHOULD have been done, a decade ago.

Maybe now everyone will shut the Hell up about it. Long ago, I was already tired of everything even vaguely connected with this. I'm not getting any less tired, and I'm sure the next month will be full of memorial crap. She was one person, ONE, out of who knows how many people dealing with similar situations; just because the media opted to focus on this one (and make this one such a spectacle), everybody suddenly gives a shit. Go down to your local hospital and find another and lobby for them, see where that gets ya, why doncha?

Why did people glorify her? They all seemed to ignore the first point, which was that she got in this state due to eating disorders. This was no car accident or assault, she did it to herself...glorifying her in some bizarre way makes this all that much more stupid.

So, yeah, she's dead. Go back to your grey little lives.

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

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