1. Forward I'm heavy, backward I'm not. What am I? -- TON
2. What does no man want, yet no man wants to lose? -- A bald head (no smart-ass remarks about the bald guys you know who shave it, I know some, too)
3. What goes up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up? -- an umbrella
Too bad I didn't save these for today, it would have been a fitting tribute to The Riddler, on the other hand, they would now be classified as the last riddles. Hmm. Whatever, on to today's:
Picture a liter of milk and a liter of Kahlua. A cup of the Kahlua is poured into the milk and mixed thoroughly. Then, a cup of that mixture is poured back into the Kahlua. Is the amount of Kahlua now in the milk more, less, or equal to the amount of milk in the Kahlua? Explain.