God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

Birthday Rockin's

OK, kiddies, my birthday is coming up on Monday, and, just like last year, all I really want is something small, simple, and easy. Send me a picture of you rocking, tossing the horns with glee. Drag anyone you want into the picture, whether they know what the Hell is going on or not. Hell, last year, bojo427 got a bunch of people at a party to join in, and I got pix from fizgigg and faerie_lark and their son, as well as from the ever beautiful pornrockangel.

So, come on, make an old man smile. Show me a little love here, eh? Rock on in the name of Chaos, and document it. Pull in your friends, family, pets, neighbours, co-workers, favourite homeless bums, famous relations, wax dummies, or toys. Whatta ya say, huh? Costs ya nuthin'!

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