God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

The Gods Of Exercise Are Laughing Their Asses Off

So, polarbear calls me last week, and suggests that, since we're both trying to be less in the "fat bastard" category, since we both own bicycles, and since there's a park with a biking/jogging trail between us, we should start riding. I concurred, as it's always more fun and motivating with a friend. So, this morning, we met up and rode. Keep in mind that I really have only been on my bike one other time in the last several months, and that while I do go out and work on the farm twice a week, that's a completely different kind of exercise.

Six. Fucking. Miles. I've probably never gone six miles on a bike in my life, much less all at once. Six miles...I can't even get my head to understand that. I know, I know, to some of you healthy people, that's nothing, you probably do six miles unconsciously while you sleep. but, big-ass fat man that I am, that's a trek, especially when it was going from doing nothing to doing six miles on a bike. Not all flat miles, either; I'm not saying this was mountain biking, or even very steep, but, again, for me, this was a major undertaking.

In the end? I feel pretty damn good. Sure, a little sore, that's to be expected. But with some cool-down time, that's wearing off, and I feel good. Good enough to do six miles all the time, well, not yet. Thinking we'll start by doing three for a bit, and build up. Still, it's hard to believe I'm saying it, but I feel good. So, twice a week, we'll meet up and ride, and that'll help us both slim down.

For now, though...my apartments have finally opened the pool, and it looks VERY inviting.

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