God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

Wait, That Don't Make No Sense

I was going to share this video with you all, because I'm completely creeped out at this baby's ability to breakdance. However, I'm having an odd issue, and maybe one of you can explain what I'm missing.

Now, i got the vid from this community post where, as you can no doubt see, the video is embedded into the post. Makes things easier, you know. On the YouTube page for this vid, it gives you the <object> tags necessary for doing this, so i did as i should do and used them...but the embedded player does not show up. See?

EDIT: Much, much thanks to winneganfake and nysidra for their help, revealing to me the arcane secrets of a span class that I'd never heard of and couldn't find anywhere, but which was absolutely necessary to make this work. Sheesh!

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

    Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…

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