Now, that's bad enough. Crawling around on the floor for an hour, looking for a tiny, tiny screw, without my glasses, is just no fun. Then of course, we have the hilarity of trying to find something in the house, wire-wise, I can use to temporarily fix things, and the bending of the frames while I try to make THAT work. At some point, I lamented the fact that I had kept my old glasses for all this time, and tossed them only this week...then remembering I hadn't taken the garbage out, so there was the dig through the bin to find them. Success there, but then we have to get a screw out of them and into the new glasses, only to discover that it is just a HAIR too large. Still, I got it in place enough to hold things together, and once Dianna got home, made a trip to the eyeglass place and had it fixed properly.
Major pain in the ass for such a small tribulation.