Holy moley, the Joker's attacked a couple of mannequins!
I'll give him an 'A' for effort.
I see pix like this, and I just wonder how they all came to be there.
Rock'Em Sock'Em Sno-bots
Gidget never really grew up.
Speaking of snow...yeesh...
Careful planning.
How do I get help for my 'help key'?
I'm stuck on snow, it seems...
As a kid, I used to try and make stuff like this, but it never looked this good.
"Hey Mom? Mom? Shit, am I talking to the right end...?"
I bet this place doesn't get many door-to-door salesmen.
Even the Apocalypse won't stop the Easter Bunny!
The Almost-All-Purpose Mouse
Too Damn Adorable Pic-of-the-Week™
Riverdance: Jungle Beats!
Remember, it may seem cool, but being a vigilante is a crime.
And you think YOU'VE woken up with a headache before?
Cat. It's What's For Dinner.
Now, here's a chick who is proud of her hometown.
"Bob, when I said you go down the street, I didn't mean..."
This guy gets an 'A' for effort, too.
And another episode comes to a close, Tune in next week...or, y'know, eventually...for another exciting episode, when we'll hear the Professor say, "I'm afraid it's...terminal." Right, grab a broom and help me sweep up, willya?