God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

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4th Holiday

Well, was lucky enough to get the 4th off, so spent the whole time at Heidi's. Don't worry, i won't go into the sexual acrobatics of the day, it's none of your business. Only real down side to the time was getting on the elvator to go to the roof to watch the fireworks. There were 8 of us: Mick, Auralee, Scott, Alice, Heidi, me, Patty, and Ben. The capacity claims 2100 pounds, but we get on, and it goes no where, grinds, then the fire alarm goes off and we finally start decending. Now, Heidi is deathly afraid, since she's been trapped in 3 different elevators previously, so she's not happy, and Alice is claustrophobic, so SHE'S not happy, and frankly, we're all hot and not liking this. We finally get out when the elevator makes it to the ground floor, and everyone's out of the building, and after the fire department responds and checks the place, we are told that a blet or something broke in the elevator we were on, and that is what called emergency services. Yay, joy.

But it was worth it, we went to the roof and were in view of 4 different fireworks displays, so no matter what way you turned, you got a show, not counting the people on the ground near us sending up their own store-bought ones. And it's closer to the weekend, so what the hell.

Hope no one got their fingers blown off!

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