Story 2: Police arrested a woman at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor International Airport. Apparently, she was late for her plane, and when informed that it was past the cut-off time for that plane and that she was rescheduled for the next flight, she began “yelling and screaming” and running through the terminal, at which point she was arrested for disorderly conduct. Handcuffed, she was taken to a holding room, and 10 minutes later, when they checked in on her, she had somehow managed to strangle herself to death. They think she was trying to manipulate the handcuffs from behind her to the front, got tangled up in the process, and they ended up around her neck area, according to a Phoenix Police Department spokesman. OK, one, I can't figure out this is possible. Two, just like with the jackass at University of Florida, what causes people to be this stupid in this day and age of overly paranoid "security" procedures? I dunno what happened here, and the family (she's a mother of three and comes from a rich, white New York family, so you know you'll hear more about this) has already hired a lawyer to "look into this" (why hire a lawyer, why not a P.I., or someone, anyone, who's qualified to look into something like this, and not a slimy bottom feeder?), so this will probably drag out for years.
Lunatics In The News
Story 2: Police arrested a woman at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor International Airport. Apparently, she was late for her plane, and when informed that it was past the cut-off time for that plane and that she was rescheduled for the next flight, she began “yelling and screaming” and running through the terminal, at which point she was arrested for disorderly conduct. Handcuffed, she was taken to a holding room, and 10 minutes later, when they checked in on her, she had somehow managed to strangle herself to death. They think she was trying to manipulate the handcuffs from behind her to the front, got tangled up in the process, and they ended up around her neck area, according to a Phoenix Police Department spokesman. OK, one, I can't figure out this is possible. Two, just like with the jackass at University of Florida, what causes people to be this stupid in this day and age of overly paranoid "security" procedures? I dunno what happened here, and the family (she's a mother of three and comes from a rich, white New York family, so you know you'll hear more about this) has already hired a lawyer to "look into this" (why hire a lawyer, why not a P.I., or someone, anyone, who's qualified to look into something like this, and not a slimy bottom feeder?), so this will probably drag out for years.
(no subject)
Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.
I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'
Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…
(no subject)
First Biofluorescent Reptile Ever Discovered - Short article and links to further info. Biofluorescence is far from unknown, but we've never seen…
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