God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll


Made myself three new icons today. I keep a file of possible images, and every now and again, the urge to actually get my ass in gear and make them hits. Dumped a bunch as non-viable, but came up with these three.

I'm an Elvis fan, what can I say. Sadly, once shrunk down, you can't really see the "diamond-studded" effect I did on the TCB. Still, I like it. Seriously. Turn off the damn TV and think for yourselves. It might actually help the country, and the world. If you're an old-school gamer and you don't read Order of the Stick, then you are really missing out. Simple art, damn good storylines, and plenty of D&D in-jokes. Just way too fun.

As always, if my name isn't on it, it's free for anyone to use. Knock y'self out, if the mood strikes you.

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