OK, so, I11 is live. You know, every time something new is added, you expect to see a shitload of it, so it was no surprise to log into the game yesterday and see "dual blade" and "willpower" toons everywhere. Still, it was almost absurd. The tutorial area was actually cleaned out of targets, I've never seen it so empty. I had rebuilt one of my toons (Rockall Knight, who used to be a Stone/Stone Tanker, but I rebuilt him as Stone/Fire, and I'm much happier already), and ended up on an 8-man sewer team: I was the only one there who wasn't DB or WP, and one of only three that wasn't BOTH. You couldn't swing a dead cat in Atlas Park without seeing a group of people pulling their weapons, over and over again. *twitch*
I did take Afterlife Kid into the Ouroboros area to check it out, and it's nifty enough. Fuckton of new badges to earn, but I'm in no hurry; just like the crafting badges, I'm not as interested in earning them, but I'll check it out. For that matter, I'm a lot less interested in going back to old missions with him as I am with going through the game with newer toons. The whole area seems to be geared towards the high level player who has been begging for "more content." Me, I'm still of a mind to make the game better for everyone, and that means lower levels, too. Add something to the overall game...or at least something that's not just another excuse for level 50's to keep mindlessly playing their 50's. *shrug*
Back to DB/WP: I did rebuild Cobalt Cobra (Claws/SR) to take WP, because it does look like an interesting set. Gonna have some nice abilities, but I don't think a WP tank will be able to handle alpha strikes as well as some others. We'll see. As for DB, I really was going to skip it completely, but an opportunity arose: my joke brute, Burning Tampon, got generic'ed. This doesn't really phase me, since he was only made as a joke, anyway, but I figured, with Pentacle pushing for a big lowbie run on Sunday, what the hell (though, Pentacle does little for me, really). I slapped together a DB/Electric Armor Brute, outfitted him with all Sinister armor and the shiny, badass new Crab Spider Helmet I got in the trade with rogh_sensei, and named him "Arachnos Bladestorm"...I'll do some kind of bio, eventually.
Showing off the "Impervium Katanas"...I'm considering changing them to another blade, though, because it seems like everyone is taking those.
The Crab Spider Helmet. Man, I love this thing...it was well worth the trade.
Speaking of DB...I'm not a big fan. Nifty idea, of course, and I know why so many people wanted it, but it just doesn't look all that great, to me. It's too fast, too stiff; I've done weapon training, and I don't buy it. It looks....it looks too video-gamey, not anything like it would really be. I know, I know, why bring reality into this, but everything else, weapon-wise in the game, has been relatively realistic, in terms of moves and speed. DB, though, it's just not right. Oh well, I'm in the minority, here, and regardless, it doesn't matter.