Lots of things going on, most of them mundane. Biggest news in our place is that our taxes are done (cash not here yet), and Dianna's bonus form work came in. The bonus was more than we expected, which is good since the tax money was less than we expected, but that's not surprising. She got promoted, recently, and that put us into the next tax bracket.
Speaking of her promotion, that has been a long time coming. I've said, frequently, that her place was one of the worst managed offices I'd ever experienced. over the last few months, though, they've been slowly weeding out some people that were the causes of their bullshit and getting competent people into better positions. I've got higher hopes for the place running better, etc. Anyway, Di's in a better position, managerial instead of grunt, and getting things done with good support.
So, with the tax money on the way, I'm looking at a new computer. Poor Luciphage here is a getting little quirky, and has served me well for a long time, and he's due the retirement. So, once that comes in, I'll get to planning the machine, hardcore. meanwhile, I've started backing up all the music, movies, files, and assorted bullshit that are all over my drives.
The bonus has helped a lot. A nice chunk went to paying off our loans, and another chunk went to the house: some new shelving, etc., that not only gives us more room but looks a helluva lot better. The last chunk of it went into the bank, to pad it out a bit and that feels good. Dianna got her new desk, we got Erik a chair to go with her old desk and set it up in his room, so he has a better place to do his homework (in his room!), and I've been assembling shelves and stuff for two days. Fucking HELL I have a lot of movies and books...
Oh, sure, we got frivolous with it, too. Added to the DVD collection, took the family out to lunch, etc. C'mon, I'm not a complete fool. Still, I love my Captain Morgan's bar light. ;)
Got a nifty 'Big Daddy' figure and art book from Bioshock from polarbear
I won't bore you with City of Heroes details. If you're a player, you either already know or will ask, if you aren't, you don't give a toss.
Well, it snowed last night, school's are closed, so Erik and Dianna are actually home. Gonna go be Dad for a bit before logging into the game.