I wonder what Mr. Dickey thinks of his grave decorations.
Maybe she was on fumes when she coasted in and didn't have the gas to pull around again...
From the Department of Learn To Spell, Dammit:
Mmm, yummy oringes...
Oh, we all SO have food.
Wait, you can't not, so that means you can, so how will you with those problems?
This just hurts.
Bad spelling, incorrect quotation marks, and overuse of exclamation points. Idiot Trifecta!
OK, Dammit, i got here, I can get out...
No, you're not, and your artist should be beaten.
Oh, shit.
Sometimes, I don't need a caption.
"Affirmative, sir, everything's quiet here at Backyard Pool Point."
Cripes, are the selling the signs? They seem to have more of them than they do product.
My Little SuperPony
Awwwwww x2
I don't think you're saving money this way. Just use a towel.
This Mother's Day, show Mom that you don't want her to be a Mom again.
Well, there wasn't room for him on the tractor...
*slurp* Mmm, spicy, fresh brainshake!
Wow, hot day!
OK, i dunno about you, but I'm awake. Time for get some fruit and go walkin'. Have a great weekend!
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