God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

Tron 2

So, if you're a geek, you've already heard about the teaser trainer that was shown at ComiCon for "TR2N", the apparently coming sequel to TRON, the ultra-geek 1982 flick that made us all love computing. Yes, I own a special edition DVD of it, and no, you aren't surprised by that.

The bootleg videos of it have mostly been pulled down, but I've received this link to Gizmodo.com that still has it. EDIT: Yep, that's gone now too. This one is good for now, and it looks like they are constantly updating with new links as they die and reappear. It's a tiny bootleg vid, and not great quality, but until the Powers That Be get off their ass and let the rest of us see it for real, this is as good as you're gonna get.

We have a blue guy, watching in anticipation down a corridor, and something he sees makes him turn and jump, his glowing stick ahead of him, as we watch the Lightcycle form around him. The familiar whine and light trail appears, with a yellow cycle hot on his trail. The chase, and the game, is on. These cycles don't move in hard corners, like the first ones, but more like a motorcycle, weaving and leaning. They bump each other, but never wipe out. Ahead, a crack in the wall (sound familiar?), the blue cycle gunning for it. Yellow hits the breaks as Blue escapes, negotiating the twists and turns of the canyon he's entered, as Yellow takes another route, watching Blue go, following. Blue looks as if he's escaped, when Yellow comes out of nowhere, crossing his path. Blue hits the light trail, his cycle shattering, his body flying towards a cliff, narrowly avoiding the fall by grabbing hold of a protruding pipe. Cut to a close-up of Flynn (Jeff Bridges), his eyes opening, his face older and lined, in a brightly lit room. He stands up, barefoot, and slowly walks to a window, which we see overlooks the game grid. Yellow slews his bike to a stop, dismounts, and walks towards Blue, reaching over his shoulder to grab his Disk. Flynn looks away. Yellow stands over Blue, his shiny black faceplate impassable, as Blue cowers. "It's just a game....it's just a game!" he cries, his face in a panic. Yellow's faceplate lights up...revealing the face of Flynn, circa 1984. He stares at Blue, looks away, pauses..."Not anymore." His hand pulls back, and punches forward with the disk, into the camera. The letters light up the screen in the familiar font: 2...T 2...T 2N...TR2N.

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

    Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…

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