Bottle caps, in some places nearly 2 feet deep.
Wonder how long that plate lasted...
Balance is everything, in biking.
"My place? It's at the crossroads. Really, you can't miss it."
A peek behind the wall at the Chinese Olympic complex.
Favoritism in the avian world.
Death Metal Rollerskating
Allergic reaction to henna ink
Shoe burger!
Reach for it....
Some security systems are easier to foil than others.
That's a helluva babysitter.
Courtship in the insect world.
Hey, sometimes, you need to have fun with your snack.
Susie teaches Bootsy not to wee on the rug again.
Mmm, nanner...
Looks like he's not giving up on this quite yet.
Because every 4-year-old needs a gun-toting gangbanger as a role model.
OK, hope it gave you a smile. I'll be smiling when this heat wave passes.