God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

Friday Pix

A jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou, beside me singing in the wilderness. Or, you know, a decent drink and a cheeseburger somewhere. Hell, just come hang out with the Friday Pix.

For the drunken geek in your life...


For some odd reason, this pic just doesn't say "fun and carefree vacation" to me.

That's one way to get Momma around.

Wino Ladybugs

Asheron's Call 2, anyone? Yes, obscure geeky game joke, the rest of you just get nifty trees.

I'd love to just feel this happy for a few minutes each day.

Never obsolete, huh? Riiiight.

Well, he has to bathe in the toilet, the tub is being used as storage space.

OK, really, is bouncing your kid on your knee just not enough? Don't let them use their imagination or anything.

If you need me, I'll be imagining I'm here.

Oh, fork you, too.

Apparently, most of us are going to Hell. Luckily, we'll have a great time getting there.

Handful o'kitties!


"Get away, man, I'll use kung-fu!"

Ah, I see the Fuck-Up Fairy has visited.

Close, but no cigar.

Baby bat bottles

Someone didn't think this thing through.

A new pack of smokes shouldn't turn you on so much that you have to remove your pants.

For the creepy schizo in your life...

Not exactly what I want in my kitchen.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Oh, shit.

Pony bath

Victory? Fear? Pain? Orgasm? Who knows?

Oh, dear God, NO.

Hope it made ya smile, and got your weekend started off on a fun note. Have a great one!


  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

    Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

    Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…

  • (no subject)

    First Biofluorescent Reptile Ever Discovered - Short article and links to further info. Biofluorescence is far from unknown, but we've never seen…