God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

An Icon Has Passed

I just discovered that Waylon Jennings died, 2-14-02. *s*...same day as Cyn. I think she'd have gotten a kick out of that.

well, anyway, this damn article is sometimes up, and sometimes not...so you can check it if you want.

Waylon Jennings, who gave up his airplane seat to J.P. Richardson, 'The Big Bopper' on Feb. 3rd, 1959; J.P. told him, as he got on the plane "I hope your damn bus freezes up', to which Waylon replied, 'Well, I hope your ol' plane crashes.' Ouch...that plane crash took the lives of Richardson, Buddy Holly, and Ritchie Valens. Jennings went on to stardom, however, and even if you didn't listen to him, you've heard him.

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