God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

Friday Pix

Feel that? That sneaky feeling creeping up on you with a giggle in it's pocket? That's the Friday Pix, comin' atcha! Are you feeling it? I'm feeling it.

Cop limo

Oh, man, I'm comin' back to this place.

For the couple that just can't bear to be apart

Raccoons like to keep clean

Never give up

The economy has hit everyone pretty badly

"We've found it, Livingston...the fabled Secret Newsvendor Graveyard!"

I don't want to be the guy that has to change the lightbulbs here

Pimp My Porta-Potty

So lonely...

Nifty cycle

Doncha hate it when someone knocks on your tree while you're washing your hair?

Sneaky nap

"Dear god, we thank you for this meal..."

All tuckered out

Smart packaging

OK, seriously, if you want a cool photo, maybe you should pose somewhere other than the toilet

"Get back over here!"

Please, no bottle, combs, or babies down the toilet.

Grandma has been so much happier since she found a group of like-minded retirees

Hand in hand


I'll be relaxing here, if you need me. Don't call.

Right on, my friends. Have a great weekend and a good week after, and take care of y'selves.

Tags: friday pix

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  • (no subject)

    Due to circumstances beyond my control, I ended up working 7 days in a row. between the work time and the drama and the whatnot, I was wiped the fuck…

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