In case you were wondering, this is not butter. Unbelievable!
Breakfast of Champions
Apparently, they charge a dollar to deal with English-speaking customers
"Please fasten your seatbelts and be sure your seat is upright, we're coming in for a landing."
I guess there are times when all you can do sit down and go "Well, damn."
Ah, a relaxing day at the waterpark, just you and 40,000 people.
Tuckered out
If you need me, I'll be here.
Even terrorists like pudding.
"By the power of the Almighty Ratticus, I swear, if you touch me again, I'll fry your mind."
Third world swimming pool
I'm looking for someone; distinguishing characteristics are black-and-white colors, a pudgy belly, and a sizable schnoz. Sound familiar?"
The power of your army is nothing compared to the power of LEGO™.
Everyone plays with bubbles
BMEZine: Warning you of morons in your midst for years.
Either they are protecting the shelves from theft, or they don't enforce this very well.
All they want for Xmas are their two front teeth.
Candy synthesizer...for making sweet music, perhaps?
Extreme Sports: Africa
Maybe tennis just isn't your sport...
Another trading card in the 'Huge Mushrooms Of The World' series...collect them all!
So, not only are you under arrest, you have your shirt on backwards and inside-out.
I can't decide if this makes breakfast more or less likely to be eaten.
Bat grooming
Oh, shit.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
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