Somehow, I don't think it's just been popped.
That's a lot of baloney.
Stunt tire changing
A good place to vanish for a while
If you need me, I'll be here.
He's hoping she'll put in the code for infinite lives...but I think she's just gonna reset him.
Yeah, this was a great idea.
OK, I'd use one.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I don't think you're using that correctly.
No matter how many kids you toss in there, it's still not working.
Rubik's Cubewich!
Hmm, you might wanna work on your advertising.
See, Death can be amusing.
OK, normally I stay away from posting Failblog stuff, but this was just too good (and one of my pet peeves).
Looks like the sheep finally dynamited their way through the wall.
When I was a kid, I used those foam pieces as forts and bases for my action figures, but this kid puts me to shame.
I guess you deal with flooding in whatever way works for ya.
Man, this guy has a huge organ.