- Friday: standard day, followed by game night. One of the more insane and character-death-filled nights we've had (but then, this IS Call of Cthulhu). In the middle of the game, checking my e-mail, I discovered that my City of Heroes account has expired. Timing on finances screwed me, as we don't get paid until Thursday. Oh well, it's only a week, I can handle it (hello again, Dungeon Runners). Only part that really bums me is a present thing that gives a badge for keeping an account from August 15th to November 15th. When is the first time my account has lapsed in three-and-a-half years? August 14th, until the 20th. Damn.
- Saturday was Six-a-Th6n, the marathon viewing of The Prisoner by myself,
- Sunday was "mass clean-up" and basic house things, followed by having
Which brings us back to do. Spent a chunk of today cleaning up again, and the rest in the Dungeons, where
I'm beat. And no, no kidney stone yet.