Way to go!
Just a gorgeous pic...but bonus to WoW players: Wetlands? Sundown Marsh?
Chameleon Prayer
The day the music died
Desert clouds
Helmets protect the important parts
Does this seem like a good place to put this?
Ronald is sick of your foolishness.
Nothing I could say here would be as funny as the pic itself.
Well, thanks for nothing.
Age creeping in
Why does she have pastrami shoes?
OK, tell me that's not the happiest couple ever.
Creative shelf placement
Maybe she should have stuck to Clifford, The Big Red Dog
Windy? Slightly.
Undead icicles!
I imagine this would be cobie's Wii
Sometimes, you just have to express yourself.
"Mom, where's the dog?"
Don't sneeze.
You'd think living with monkeys would be fun. Apparently, you'd be wrong.
"Hurry it up, willya?"
Haven't made a new signature graphic yet, but hey, that's not why you're here. Hope it gave you a smile, maybe even a laugh. have a great weekend and a good week after, and don't forget: wherever you go, there you are.