God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

Friday Pix

Just because my life is in a whirlwind, doesn't mean I can't still keep up the Friday Pix!

Everyone sleeps better with a teddy bear

I normally avoid set up, artistic shots, but I really liked this one.

Sergeant Fido of the Royal Mounted Canines

The road crew doesn't like to miss their wake-up alarm.


If you need me, I'll be here.

This makes me ache.

Big dog


Well, glad you're comfy...

Take Your Child To Work Day

Convenient hangable cats, coming soon to Home Depot

Yes, very nice interior design, until your candles drip all over your Chicken Cordon Bleu

OK, seriously, you can take 5 minutes away from the machine for a shower.

I think he might be high.


Let's hope the truck isn't any closer than it appears.

See, why couldn't I find this job opening? I'd be GREAT.

You should be shot.

Now, there's the way to eat Oreos.

Hey, you asked for 'a lot of extra pepperoncinis'...

Henry Ford, the Gentleman Pick-up truck

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tags: friday pix

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

    Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…

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    First Biofluorescent Reptile Ever Discovered - Short article and links to further info. Biofluorescence is far from unknown, but we've never seen…