I logged in, and things were fine, but after a few minutes, everything locked down. Logged back, same. Diff character, same. After that try, it doesn't even manage to fully load the name/password screen, apparently dying when it tries to render the 3D there. Updated drivers do nothing. This leads me to believe that the hardware itself is failing...and that's a Bad Thing. No way can I afford to get a new vidcard anytime soon. Hell, best I can hope for right now is to wait for b'day/Xmas in December and try to get everyone to pool cash for me. I just hope the rest of the thing, the basic functions of the card, hold out until I can make this happen.
Needless to say, I'm really not happy. I can live without the game (don't really want to, but can), but I fear for it getting worse. It's only 3 years old...but I guess that's ancient in computer terms.