God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

It would appear that my nVidia GeForce 8800 GT is starting to die, and no longer wants to render 3D. This makes it, oh, slightly hard to play Warcraft, as you can imagine.

I logged in, and things were fine, but after a few minutes, everything locked down. Logged back, same. Diff character, same. After that try, it doesn't even manage to fully load the name/password screen, apparently dying when it tries to render the 3D there. Updated drivers do nothing. This leads me to believe that the hardware itself is failing...and that's a Bad Thing. No way can I afford to get a new vidcard anytime soon. Hell, best I can hope for right now is to wait for b'day/Xmas in December and try to get everyone to pool cash for me. I just hope the rest of the thing, the basic functions of the card, hold out until I can make this happen.

Needless to say, I'm really not happy. I can live without the game (don't really want to, but can), but I fear for it getting worse. It's only 3 years old...but I guess that's ancient in computer terms.
Tags: computer, frustration, technical

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