God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:
The Return Of The DeLorean - There's a new DeLorean DMC-12 coming out — or rather, there's a new version of the same stainless steel wedge of a sports car that became an icon (and perhaps the lone representative) of '80s cool. But it won't run on gas — it'll be electric.

It'll still have the stainless steel body, though the undercarriage has been redesigned to make it lighter. The first prototype's batteries will do 70-100 miles on a charge, and the second-gen proto is going for more more weight loss and more efficient batteries. DeLorean Motor Co. anticipates putting them on the market in 2013, for a retail price of around $90,000.

90k? Ouch. Well, there's still time to work on it.
Tags: good news

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