Good point: movers delivered my stuff today. Yay for possessions.
Down note: All my DVD's are missing. For those of you who know anything about me, this is a huge loss. I'm really, really not happy. There's a chance that they are still at
I know it's just stuff, and stuff can be replaced, but the idea of losing all those hurts.
....meanwhile I'm working open to close, most of them time, and my day off this week is going to be spent at a management class. Getting to and from it is an hour drive if there's no traffic, and I'll be fighting rush hour traffic both ways. Hooray for a day off. Plus, 4 of my 5 days a week lately are spent running the shop, which would be good if I had the foggiest idea what I am doing. my stress levels are through the fucking roof right now.
I'm going to bed.