God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

The New Mac Campaign

From etherpunk's LJ, I followed a link to take me to Mac's new ad campaign, including The Top 10 Reasons To Switch To Mac. Man, what a laugh. Someone get Mac a new ad agency...
Well, let's see...

1.The Mac...it just works. Only with a Mac do you get an operating system built by the same people who built the computer it runs on. -- This sounds a bit like monopoly to me, as does most of the ad. Basically, love us, we make everything you will need...no, don't go looking for something that you LIKE, we make it, see? You can just stay with us, and you love us...you love us...

2.It doesn't crash. Mac OS X is built on the industrial strength of UNIX. -- Yep, even *we* realized that we can't make an OS to save our lives.

3.Simply the best in digital music. The critics all agree...makes it easy to convert the music... -- If the critics all agree, then why can I find conflicting opinions all over the Net? And as far as making it easy, so do LOTS of things.

4.The missing link in digital photography. Everyone loves iPhoto... -- If everyone loves it, they'd already have it...this is not a reason to switch. In fact, nothing in this makes me think it has anything over the thousands of other cameras out there.

5.Your own digital entertainment center. Friends will actually ask to watch over and over again. -- Assuming that you have ANY skill, which most don't. Again, nothing here makes me think there's anything I can't get on my PC.

6.Goes everywhere you go. Consider this: Can your PC laptop... -- Only if you are buying a laptop, otherwise this is a pointless point. And as far as the other things, what if I CAN do them? Oh well.

7.Built for the Internet. When did you last configure a PC for the Internet? Take you long? -- Nope. And most people don't have to configure it, because their ISP software does it for them. And all this that is included is pretty much everywhere else, too, except QuickTime, which, frankly, is a isolationist pain in the ass.

8.Office is Office, and then some. You can do anything you’d dream of doing on the Mac — from CAD to databases to finance. -- Yep, we are using Microsoft Office...um...but don't let that fool you! You can do anything you want on a Mac. Sure, you can do them on a PC, too...

9.Works effortlessly with PCs. Networking on a Mac is built on the same technologies used by PCs. -- Bullshit. I've been in the networking field, and the least fun I ever had was attempting to get the fucking MAcs to get with the rest of the network.

It's beautiful. Designers and engineers agonize over every millimeter -- Ever heard the phrase 'don't buy a car because it looks good'? Frankly, I see that machine, and I see something that I cannot upgrade. And, from earlier statements, if I CAN, it's gonna only be with Mac products.

Nope, sorry, when my choices are made for me, I gotta back away. I will admit that Mac has some superior hardware, but they are just a tad to insular for my tastes. And they need a new ad agency.

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

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