God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

The Return Of The Upper Class

I have no problem with the copncept of this. There will always be those who have more than you or I, and that's just the nature of the Beast. And sure, when you have, you want more, you're only human. It's when those that are trying to get more are so short-sighted that they see only their own gain and not who's losing so they can gain that it starts getting to me. Even worse is when they try to justify their grabbing away from those below them, and refuse to listen to the debates around them, sticking over and over again to some proof they have decided justifies it all. Sad, really.

But don't take my word for it. Feel free to read the ongoing discussion between me and lordremo, who firmly believes that to give paid users 20 icons, we should just reduce free members from 3 to 1 icon, and that this will not only double paid accounts, but that we will not piss anyone off.

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