God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

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Ewige Blumenkraft!

OK, time to enlighten you all and immanentize the Eschaton. If you have never read The Illuminatus! Trilogy, then you do not know what you are missing. Change your outlook, expand your mind, and get your brain in gear. Hell, I'm not even saying you should buy the book (though you ought to), just READ it...here, download it in PDF format (1.88 MB). It'll change your life.

Incidently, if you have never read the Principia Discordia (the Holy Book of the Discordians), you REALLY should, and it is quoted heavily in Illuminatus!...One without the other is only half the story. Hell, even without Illuminatus!, it's a real head-trip, dads. Get it here (9.4 MB). You'll be glad you did.

Hail Eris ~~ All Hail Discordia!

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