God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

The Lines Have Been Crossed

OK, that's IT. I have never, let me make this perfectly clear, repeat NEVER been so intensely angry in my entire life.

Di went to pick up Erik after work, and she and Chuck both talked to him, and then they both went outside to talk. Not that this really got anywhere, because Chuck won't grow up enolugh to be adult about anything, but he did try to claim that this had nothing to do with me, that it was all for Erik's best interest, but then said that if I wanted to slap someone, I could come try to slap him (I'm not commenting on this...you know what I'm thinking). He knew that Di would come home and discuss more with me, and he wanted an answer when he called tonight as to what was happening/being done, whatever.

I told her to let him know that I was just as concerned about all this as anyone else, and that further more, this bad blood had to stop, that he could expecta call from me within the next couple days, at which time we could arrange a time and place for just he and I to meet and talk. Once told, his response was that he would think about this and tell Di if he was willing to talk, when HE felt like it. Not to me, to her. Christ, be a man, asshole. But that isn't the kicker...get this:

Apparently, he reported ME to Child Protection Services.

Yeah, me...the lover of children. Of course they told him they couldn't do anything unless I left a mark on him (DUH), and since that is so totally NOT me, I'm not worried. But I am absolutely in shock that this jackanapes would take one thing a 6-year-old said, about something that happened months ago, out of the blue, and run the far, this hard, and this fast with...without even considering any actual facts, and without ever having met me or knowing the slightest thing about me. To Di's mention that she is here to see the environment, the situations, etc., and that everytime we are together it's all fun and games, friendly and happy (which of course, in his eyes, is just her being biased, and she's taking my side over her own son's...yeah, right), he claims that wnenever there's talk of Frank, he feels tension. Well, gee, dumbass, you hate me, how could you talk about me and not feel tension?

Well, as i said, the line has officially been crossed. Tomorrow night, I'm-a call his sorry ass. I'm going to stay calm, I'm going with the same attitude i already had, that being that this is a situation that has become unnecessarily antagonistic, and that in Erik's best interest, we should meet We need to at LEAST get past this bad blood that has no basis beyoind his own wounded pride...but this all hinges on him being an adult and not a petulant child...and I get the feeling that even if he WERE capable of doing so, he won't. After all, he has gone out of his way to do anything he can to be a jackass, at every turn.

I am in the midst of incalculable levels of rage....twisted, multi-dimensional labyrinthine tesseracts of anger...my vision has gone the grey and red of arterial showers and cranial splatters upon the walls of the room....I'm mad enough at the moment to slap a tiger in the mouth and eat him raw and kicking. Hell, for the few of you who know and understand the significance: I've gone completely silent. There isn't even any music in the background.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, "dyin' time's here."

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  • (no subject)

    Jim Jeffries On Why Other Countries Think US Gun Laws Are Crazy Pretty well sums it all up, as far as I'm concerned.

  • I Gotcher Free Inhabitant Status Right Here, Swingin'

    Holy cats...I've only just become aware of this "free inhabitant / article 4" bullshit. Watching some of the videos of these wingnuts is comedy gold,…

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