God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

  • Music:

Drug of Choice

So, I've been seeing this test on so many journals, I thought I'd take it. According to it, it suggests that my drugs of choice, from most like what I want out of drugs to least, are as follows:

# 1 Codeine (100 %)
# 2 Hash (100 %)
# 3 Marijuana (100 %)
# 4 LSD (acid) (84 %)
# 5 Dexedrine (dexies) (73 %)
# 6 Ritalin (63 %)
# 7 Psylocibic mushrooms (magic mushrooms) (57 %)
# 8 Absinthe (52 %)
# 9 Opium (52 %)
# 10 Heroin (47 %)
# 11 Methamphetamine (Crystal) (47 %)
# 12 DMT (36 %)
# 13 DXM (36 %)
# 14 GHB (36 %)
# 15 Inhalants (gas, paint ect.) why don't you just kill yourself now? (36 %)
# 16 Ketamine (36 %)
# 17 Morphine (31 %)
# 18 PCP (26 %)
# 19 Crack (21 %)
# 20 Mescaline (21 %)
# 21 Cocaine (15 %)
# 22 Peyote (15 %)
# 23 Barbituates (sleeping pills) (10 %)
# 24 2CB (a form of ecstasy) (5 %)
# 25 MDMA/MDA (ecstasy) (0 %)

Sad part is, I've done most of them....

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