velvet swaying pointy-toed boots not being sweaty long hair hearse skirts silver jewelry silver buttons cobwebs crosses candles cathederals cemetaries supernatural black plague cats stone red wine thunderstorms dead flowers Edgar Allen Poe Nosferatu horror self-loathing pacifism tortured artist fascination w/ Dr.Seuss unrequited love thaumaturgy secret rites black and white candle wax France The Addams Family waltzing beauty witchcraft reverb piano tones 3/4 |
PVC stomping steel-toed boots sweating shaved head Hummer military fatigues silver chains rivets rust cogwheels open flames factories mass graves mechanical nuclear holocaust dogs concrete dark beer electric chairs broken machinery William Gibson Tetsuo: the Iron Man abhorrer just loathing antagonism torture as art fascination w/ Dr. Kevorkian unconcerned with love metallurgy propaganda black and blue electrical tape Germany The Manson Family marching beast industrial craft distortion piano strings 4/4 |
leather surfing combat boots no sweat bed head helicopter lab/trench coats silver wiring silver studs dust integrated circuits neon lights laboratories morgues cybernetic Ebola virtual pets steel ethanol power surge obsolete technology William Gibson Blade Runner cyber-whore fear and loathing prism torturing artists fascination w/ Dr. Turing unencumbered by love dramaturgy mindf*ck black and chrome palm top CyberSpace halogen family Brownian motion both software craft synth piano keyboards 2/2 |
Goth/Industrial/CyberGoth...How To Tell The Difference
(no subject)
First Biofluorescent Reptile Ever Discovered - Short article and links to further info. Biofluorescence is far from unknown, but we've never seen…
(no subject)
Researchers in the United States and Great Britain have made a significant breakthrough in deciphering dolphin language. They have not, as yet, said…
Faster-Than-Light Particles Explained? Could Be...
About a month ago, there was a big deal about CERN scientists seeing neutrino particles possibly breaking the speed of light. After much debating in…
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