Saturday: head up that-a-way around mid-day (maybe earlier), get there middle of the afternoon. Planning on checking into our place of crashing, then heading up to Bellingham to "drop" in at the Black Drop. Don't have a specific time for that yet, but shall post more later, figure late afternoon. Returning to Seattle to have a drink or eight at the Bad Juju, and, as usual, would love to have anyone come out to have one with me. Anything later that night will be played by ear.
Sunday, I'm hoping to be hanging out with dravengodvamp and velvetacidgrrrl. I wanna go up to Bruce and Brandon Lee's gravesites for a couple pictures, and hang out for a while, and also hoping to drop in on rayce for a little bit before heading out for home.
So that's it. No photoshoots this time, nothing to get in the way. Hope to see you guys!