God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

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Well, somehow I managed to get through yesterday. We left out for the drive to Mt. St. Helens, a trip that is about an hour, hour and a half, say. THREE AND A HALF HOURS later, we get there, due to the ass-backwards route Mom took...and I gotta say, her driving is slipping as she gets old. I'm not crazy about being a passenger anyway, and add that to "too long in the car or twisty mountain roads", plus "woman who swerves onto the wrong side of the road on blind curves", and I was just happy to get home alive.

John stayed and hung out for the beginnings of anime-fest, which involved jahnji and his sis and karzon. Man, I love having people around...and good anime anyway (Macross Plus and Berzerk).

Need to get a little preliminary work done, and then see the rest of the anime...

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