Please, by all that is sacred, don't let it suck.
In quasi-related news, the House Of The Dead film looks like it's your standard 20-something, guns/T&A/Nu-Metal soundtrack, 'here to party and caught up in something beyond our understanding', hour-and-a-half of pretty visuals with plot holes big enough to drive a semi through, modern-day "horror" flick. Like gold-plated shit. Well, not like the original game had a deep plot or anything, but fuck, could we actually do a horror film that is scary? Huh? Explain to me why we can't. Tell me why every fraggin' "horror" flick to come out has to have the same damn formula:
odd situation + 20-something Gen-X'ers + random weaponry + latex effect zombies and lots of blood packs + don't bother hiring a scriptwriter + soundtrack full of inappropriate music that supposedly appeals to 'the kids' = Hollywood Horror FilmI really, really hate my native country sometimes. Other times, I just hate the world population in general for being the stupid fucking low-brow ratfucks they truly are (present company excluded, Dear Friends).