Ended up spending something like 3 hours flipping thorugh pix over at
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Well, this is it...the day has arrived. 1:45 PST, I go in for the shot, and hope for the best. I have a feeling I'll be a Grumpy Bastard<sup>TM</sup> for the next coupla days, but we'll see. Gee, as if my shoulder doesn't hurt enough NOW...
Ended up spending something like 3 hours flipping thorugh pix over at <a href="http://www.boners.com" target"_blank">Boners.com</a> last night. After reading Erik his bedtime comic (more "Lobo", but tonight we start on some "Judge Dredd"...I'm definitely the world's coolest stepdad!), Di was laying on the bed, and promptly passed out..this was like 9:15. Somewhere around 11:30, she woke up long enough to get comfy and go back to bed, so I guess SHE'S well-rested today...which is more than can be said for me. man, i slept for shit.
Ah well, life's rough, get a fuckin' helmet, right? Better get some game in while I can, I have a feeling that after this thing gets shoved in my rotator cuff, I'm not gonna want to do a lot of movement.
Ended up spending something like 3 hours flipping thorugh pix over at <a href="http://www.boners.com" target"_blank">Boners.com</a> last night. After reading Erik his bedtime comic (more "Lobo", but tonight we start on some "Judge Dredd"...I'm definitely the world's coolest stepdad!), Di was laying on the bed, and promptly passed out..this was like 9:15. Somewhere around 11:30, she woke up long enough to get comfy and go back to bed, so I guess SHE'S well-rested today...which is more than can be said for me. man, i slept for shit.
Ah well, life's rough, get a fuckin' helmet, right? Better get some game in while I can, I have a feeling that after this thing gets shoved in my rotator cuff, I'm not gonna want to do a lot of movement.