Today, I decided to update one of them (the icon on this post) into a personal icon. Back into Graphic World I go, only to start having problems with the software., I recently dropped Photoshop 7.0 for the newer, updated Photoshop CS. I've noticed some really annoying problems I've had with it (and the accompanying ImageReady CS), and it finally annoyed me enough to stop what I was doing, save my work, uninstall all of the Photoshop CS stuff (backing up all my extras in the process), and go through reinstallation of PS 7.0 (and all the extras, AGAIN). Yes, this took forever, but it was worth it; I fired it up and got my icon done with no further muss or fuss.
As an aside, when I say that all my PS extras takes forever to set up again, I'm not kidding. At last count, that involved:
- EyeCandy 4000
- Xenofex
- Image Doctor
- Panopticum Fire
- Toadies Effects
- DSB Flux Filter Collection
- a large custom brush set
- 19 Flaming Pear Filters
- custom color settings
- custom gradients
- 184 extra actions
- and some other crap that slips my mind at the moment...