I can't decide which is the bigger show of stupidity, that these people think anyone would believe that crap, or that anyone actually DOES believe this crap.
Of course this was intentional. Janet's wearing over-done nipple jewelry, the part of her outfit that tore off was obviously meant to do so, Justin goes out of his way to grab it and pull, she looks AROUND in "surprise" before ever noticing her suddenly draughty tit, he doesn't look surprised at all, and all this happens right at the end of the line "get you naked by the end of this song".
Christ, man, look at the video of it for fuck's sake. You'd have to be a complete moronic assmonkey to believe that this wasn't planned.
One kudo in all this, though, goes out to Michael Powell, FCC chief, who was "outraged" and called it "a classless, crass and deplorable stunt" and who promised a "thorough and swift" investigation.
Have I mentioned lately that I hate it here?