Here we have, not one, not two, but THREE pharmacists, all fired from a drugstore. Why? Seems a lady who had been raped and who had been given a prescription for emergency contraception went in to get it filled...and they refused to do it. One of them (the one who alerted the media, apparently), even says he "went in the back room and briefly prayed about it...I actually called my pastor and asked him what he thought about it."
Yep, you read correctly...reused to fill a prescription, because he felt it was against his religion, even to the point of stopping to pray about it and call his mothafuckin' PRIEST about it. Does he have NOTHING Better to be doing? And let's not forget here that this isn't a case of him not doing something , it's him forcing someone ELSE not to do something, because of his beliefs.
Seems as though they were fired six days after this better believe that, had I been running that store, they'd have been out that fuckin' minute. This is your JOB, kiddies, and you do it or you look for other employment, period. You are not here to make moral judgements dependant upon your own particular flavour of unprovable thoughts about some alleged spook-in-the-sky. If you cannot seem to hack it through the day without this, maybe you should consider a job in the priesthood. And before the shitstorm descends, it clearly states in the employment manual that pharmacists are not allowed to opt out of filling a prescription for religious, moral or ethical it's not like they didn't KNOW ahead of time.
Fuckin' Humans. Grow up and evolve, willya?