God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll (archmage) wrote,
God of Thunder and Rock'n'Roll

Soul Centering

Gotta give a big thank you shout out to my bro' polarbear, who invited me to go with him today to the Japanese Garden here in Portland. Since I've been down here, I've wanted to go, and just never had had a chance...and with the way my head's been lately, not only did I need to see a friend, I needed to get out of the houser and relax.

Needless to say, it was a wonderful place...I think, if I could, I'd just live there. I'm kicking the Hell out of myself for not taking my camera, but, luckily, Michael had his, and got a few shots of his own. Still, I'll go back sometime soon...and probably frequently, as long as I live in this city.

Absolutely beautiful.

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