Today's Something*Positive asks the question "What is it about blogs, forums, and LiveJournals that just invites stupid fights? Is acting like an ass a clause in the user agreement?" Look around LJ...I think itmust be. Fuckin' humans get this attitude online, because they don't have to face their opponents. When you don't have to look someone in the eye, and even more, this person doesn't know your name, address, phone number, or anything about you, it sure does make your balls grow. Sadly, this means those teen angst jack-offs that normally would learn a little respect or at least learn to keep their big yaps shut, instead go on, well, making jack-offs of themselves. I lament this world, I really do.
(Yes, the irony of my saying this in an LJ is not lost on me. Luckily, I'm also quite willing to say this to anyone's face and defend the point.)